Karmic & Companion Souls & Twin Flames
~ Shiana ~
It is important to remember that there are many kinds of soul mates
and each is very important to the lessons we must learn in this
lifetime ... these are lessons we chose before entering this realm and
should be given the honour due them ... Soul Mates help us learn these
lessons and therefore although we may be seeking our Twin Flame we
should never ignore other loves that come into our life for they are
vital to our development and growth as spiritual beings ... just as the
ostrich that puts its head in the sand out of fear ... our fear of
making a mistake and getting hurt can stunt our personal growth ...
Pain is a necessary part of life...we can choose how long we hold on
to it once and only once it has served it's purpose ... it is necessary
however to feel the pain and allow it to teach us the lesson we need
to learn ...
A Karmic Soul is a soul that we still have karma to deal with between
us. Now this doesn't necessarily mean "bad" karma, it can be good
karma as well. A karmic Soul Mate can be a family member (parents,
brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.), a close friend, a romantic
relationship, basically any relationship that has impacted our lives
in any way. With these people, we always have lessons to share and
these relationships can at times not be completely comfortable.
Although these people invoke deep feelings (positive or negative) we
seldom develop a long-term romantic relationship with a Karmic Soul
Mate for these are generally more for lessons and growth rather than a
life partner, romantically speaking ...
These closely resemble the Twin Flame in-so-far as this is generally
a relationship based on romantic love, however there is still karma
between the two people involved and although the couple can learn to
live within unconditional love the relationship is not based on it.
Quite often Companion Soul Mates will come together for a project such
as writing a book, starting a business, or even assisting one to get
through a particular trial or lesson in this life. Once the project
is finished often the relationship ends as well, leaving both parties
scratching their heads wondering what happened ... Companion Soul Mates
can and do join together as Life Partners, especially when the Twin
Flame is not present in this lifetime or when for whatever reason the
Twin Flames cannot be together in this life. Companion Soul Mates are
still in the teaching each other lessons mode and this is one of the
major differences between a Companion and a Twin, but we'll get into
those differences further on ... Often Companion Soul Mates are
confused with a Twin Flame, for sometimes there is not a lot of karma
left between the couple. However, whenever there is any karma left to
work out then the relationship is still within the boundaries of the
Companion Soul Mate realm. Companion Soul Mates have known each other
in many lifetimes and have loved many times. Generally when you meet
a Companion Soul Mate there is an immediate attraction, Love At First
Sight if you will, although sometimes there is the opposite because of
the remembered hurts of the past, but this is far rarer ...
Twin Fames have no karma left to work out between them, they resolved
all of it in past lives and come together for no other reason than
unconditional love. Twin Flames love each other with no expectation of
the other and with no conditions attached to the giving of that love.
It is easy to say that you love someone unconditionally but you need
to ask yourself could you love this person if for some reason they
could not remain with you? Could you give your love to this person
with no expectations, not even that the love will be returned or even
recognized? Can you love this person for no other reason than there
is simply no other option available to you? If you can answer a
resounding (and honest) yes to all of the above then you are
experiencing unconditional love. But be carful here my friend for
Spirit is listening and may put that love to the test. Spirit may
require that you prove yourself worthy of this love and place you in a
situation wherein you must truly discover if this is an unconditional
love by separating you, sometimes only temporarily, sometimes
permanently, depending on what lessons you have to learn in this
lifetime ... Which brings us to another point, Twin Flames are earned
not given, you must prepare yourself to be able to join with your Twin
flame, it is not an automatic, it is a gift. And as a gift it is truly
a privilege to know your Twin Flame but you must be ready. How do you
become ready you ask? Well you will have to learn to love deeper than
you ever thought possible and that usually means meeting, loving and
losing "near twins" to which are in reality Companion Soul Mates. Are
you brave and strong enough to be able to risk loving with your heart
and soul just to have the dream shattered? If not then seeking your
Twin Flame is not for you for you must deepen your capacity to love
before you can know unconditional love and that means experiencing
pain as well as joy. The more pain you have experienced the more joy
you are capable of holding within. Sometimes the cup of love must be
completely shattered before it can be built strong enough to hold the
love of your Twin Flame. Steel is tempered through flame and your
heart must be tempered through pain before it is strong enough to
protect the love of your Twin ... When Twin Flames come together they
become one, they are not like each other, they are the mirror image of
the other. They think alike, they hold the same values and often
their life experiences are very similar, sometimes they will actually
look like each otehr. By that they will have similar builds, bone
structures and features. This is not however a guide as to whether
you have met your Twin Flame or not ... Twin Flames do not teach each
other, they learn together and help each other learn the lessons that
have been set before them in this lifetime. When Twin Flames come
together they join forces and are capable of overcoming obstacles the
average mortal could not begin to face. They are so filled with
unconditional love they literally glow with it and have much to share
with others. They are the inspiration that poets write about and
singers sing about ...
If we go through this life measuring each possible romantic partner
by some yardstick that we believe represents the Twin Flame two things
will happen ... one ... we miss out on many beautiful experiences that
will help us grow to our full potential and two ... we will not have
developed enough emotionally and spiritually to meet our Twin Flame ...
This is not to say that there is no way you will meet your Twin Flame
for if it was pre-determined that we meet then we shall but the
"joining" will be that much more traumatic because we were not
prepared ... My Twin Flame said to me once that we have been in
training for 40 years for this relationship and although he isn't
aware of it, (he is not consciously fully conversant with this subject)
he was and still is right ... we have been in training and we still
are for this relationship ...
One really important lesson for those seeking Twin Flames is how to
share your energy with each other without becoming addicted to the
energy of each other ... this is well addressed in the Celestine
Prophesies and I would strongly recommend that if you haven't already
read this book that you do so ... Twin Flames share energy ... and they
do so with unconditional love ... when twin flames join ... although at
first they are totally absorbed with each other ... they find they have
an increased capacity to share their love and energy with everything
and everyone they encounter ... they see life with new eyes ... when they
see a squirrel playing on the street they feel and send love to
it ... sharing its joy and beauty ...
Addictive energy causes one to actually feel physically ill when that
energy is removed because the one who has lost the energy has either
forgotten how or never knew how to accept the gift of energy from all
of life surrounding them ... and like any other addiction ... once it is
removed you have withdrawls ... there are many people out there who will
mistake an addictive energy relationship with a Twin Flame because
that is what we all want so desperately ... the trick here (if there
is indeed a trick) is to always stay alert as to whether you are doing
karma together ... karmic relationships are important ... don't get me
wrong ... for they assist us with important growth issues and karmic
relationships should never be walked away from for it brings with it
some wonderful gifts and some karmic relationships will even turn out
to be your life partner if the Twin Flame is not available ... however
these are not a Twin Flame although they are a Soul Mate ...
Most of us will spend our life with a Companion Soul Mate and this is
nothing to sneeze at for they too are a beautiful experience ... so
although we are all seeking that Twin Flame ... again I really can't
emphasize enough that you should never walk away from a relationship
simply because there is karma involved ... you will do yourself a
dis-service as well as the other person involved ... the only time to
leave a relationship is because there is nothing left in that
relationship for you and your partner ... if you are desperately
unhappy ... then and only then should you leave ... or if there is
abuse ... mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional ... and only you can
make that decision ... only you know if you can no longer do that
relationship ...
I have had people come to me and tell me that they don't believe that
a relationshiop without karma can survive because karma keeps the
relationship alive and interesting ... if that is where you are at ... then
that too is okay ... however ... consider this ... what if you and your love
have no karma left to work out between you ... you are now in a position
that you can turn your energy outward and do wonderful things for
others that you encounter ... together you can learn lessons that you
would not have had the energy to learn before because of the karma
that you were working out ... imagine how much more growth you can
achieve as you join forces to learn the tougher lessons together ... and
how much of a difference you can make to other people and things
because together you are more than you were alone simply because
there is no karma left to work out ... just sharing ...
These are notes from a lecture taken from a discusion group
led by a woman who calls herself Shiana ...
(submitted by an enlightened traveller and visitor to the Wizards' Realm)

Copyright ©1997, Shiana - All Rights Reserved
