It's All In Your Head! The Power of the Mind in Healing
~ Mary Carr ~
More and more is being written these days about the
power of the mind in healing. At last science is recognizing
as fact what devotees of the Ageless Wisdom have known for millenia!
Science claims to have "discovered" this power, but we can live with
that, as long as that power is used.
There is a tendency to rely on drugs for pain,
and to follow the doctor's instructions meticulously, even when we
know deep inside that there must be a better and more natural way
of dealing with illness. And often there is!
In fact, there are many natural methods of healing,
all of which can either be used alone or combined with others.
Many of these methods utilize the power of the mind to heal.
Let's look at some of the more common and most easily
implemented forms of natural healing. Acupuncture may not be useful in
everyday life, but its cousin acupressure is. Then we have reflexology,
massage, color healing, prayer, and yoga, to name a few.
Acupressure can be easily learned, and easily put into
effect. One must, or course, invest in a good book showing pressure
points and technique. And too, one must exercise care in following
instructions exactly. We measure very carefully the sweetener
for our tea, but tend to become careless when measuring the amount
of pressure applied to a point. The first lesson in any
healing method is care and precision, even though we may take for
granted a doctor's care and precision with his scalpel.
Reflexology is akin to acupressure, in that it utilizes
certain pressure points in the hands and feet which relate to certain
areas of the body. The map of the foot or hand in this healing
technique is fascinatingly accurate.
Massage is not only wonderfully soothing, but is
also one of nature's best healers, in that the cares and upheavals
of life melt entirely away under the skilled hands of a masseur or
masseuse, thus relieving or averting such discomforts as high blood
pressure and the like. Massage is often used in conjunction with
other healing methods, as a relaxant.
Colour healing is being touched upon now by the
medical world, mostly in the area of psychology. The art of colour
healing, however, needs only a focused mind to become one of the
most exciting and positive factors in the body's health. Excellent
books are available in most forward-minded bookstores. Is your boss
angry this morning? Then flood him and his surroundings with soothing
blue energy, and just see if he doesn't calm down within a very few
Prayer, as we know, is frequently used to invoke
healing. Those of us who meditate can use the same method, basically,
of bringing in the cosmic forces to flush out disease. Be we religious
or not, esoteric healing has its place in the ranks of nature's
foremost healers.
Yoga, you say, is exercise, not a healing method. But,
consider the fact that a healthy body is a body which is in tune
with nature through proper diet and exercise. Yoga can be extremely
helpful in purging the body of toxins, and in toning up rarely used
muscles, to say nothing of what it does for the nervous system and
the mind.
Yes, the mind. Each of the healing methods touched
upon here utilizes the mind to some degree. And, since energy follows
thought, a positive direction of the mind in conjunction with any
and all of the techniques, intensifies the positive results of the
method(s) used.
It has been established that we create our own
sickness, though usually subconsciously. Is it not logical,
therefore, that we can also create our own health? The healing
methods mentioned here are merely aids. The power behind them is
in YOU! It's all in your head!
About the Author:
A devotee of natural healing, Mary Carr lives in the splendour and
tranquility of the Rocky Mountains in Canmore, Alberta.

Copyright ©1980, Mary Carr - All Rights Reserved
