• You know the drill ... click a thumbnail from the display at the bottom to see the full size photo image.
  • Images will load into a new browser window to provide you with as much viewable screen area as possible.
    You can switch between this selection screen and the display screen by simply pressing the alt and tab keys - that is: while holding the alt key down, press the tab key, then release them. Selecting a new image will automatically display it in the other open browser window, and you can simply alt-tab to switch back and forth between the two browser views.
  • The images are best viewed with your system configured for 800x600 screen resolution, and for optimum viewing should be downloaded and viewed with a graphics program rather than in your internet browser window (browsers tend to create image 'dotting').
  • If you don't have a program for viewing graphics, you can download (273K) the IrfanView graphics viewer (for Windows 95/98/NT systems only).
  • To download any of the photograph images to your computer's hard drive:
    • click your mouse button on the thumbnail of the desired image,
    • this will open a new browser window which will display the full size image,
    • click your right mouse button anywhere on the photo when it's displayed in the new browser window,
    • choose the item "Save Image As" (or "Save Picture As", depending on your browser),
    • You will be prompted for where you wish to save the picture.

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